" Time- 11 am, location- MG Road (One of the busiest road of Bangalore and also called as financial hub of Bangalore, India). The incident is all about a Tempo Traveler (Force Motors make) and another white vehicle, an Ambassador ( Yes, Hindustan Motors make) with Lumex Lights (red light) on both but the only difference between those two vehicles was that the former one carried a living body which was about to die and the latter one carried a dead body which is still alive."
After reaching early at office, me and two of my colleagues were at Tea Point when entire traffic was brought to halt by our so efficient (sarcastically though) traffic cops. The reason was unknown to us but we were curious to know that (after all, we are human) and as we were on our way to ask the reason to one of a Lady traffic cop, what we saw, was something shocking and it was very difficult for me to believe that in particular (as I have always tried to be a responsible citizen). A white Tempo Traveler with a mirror image of AMBULANCE written on it, honking and screaming at its loudest node was stuck at other side of the road with the road full of other vehicles and defying the Ambulance to find its way out. Guess What!! the reason for that traffic congestion was still not known to us but after seeing the Ambulance, we approached a cop, only to receive even bigger shock when she said in local language, " State governor bartaare (State governor's coming)'. It took less than a fraction of second for me and my colleagues to get to the highest level of anger and we burst into it but for no use as the senior cop again told in local KANGLISH (saar!! don't shout at us).
Alas!! we couldn't do anything about it and for the first time I felt, " how helpless I was??" It was a question on my integrity, my values and my self respect. Till date, I keep asking myself whether I have any stand in this politically governed and ruled INDIA where a life holds no importance in front of those illiterate, self centered politicians.
I keep imagining as to what best could I have done at that particular moment but Seriously, Could I have done anything or its just an imagination?????????????????????????????????
Hope, the person battling with his/her life in the Ambulance is safe and god bless him/her.
After reaching early at office, me and two of my colleagues were at Tea Point when entire traffic was brought to halt by our so efficient (sarcastically though) traffic cops. The reason was unknown to us but we were curious to know that (after all, we are human) and as we were on our way to ask the reason to one of a Lady traffic cop, what we saw, was something shocking and it was very difficult for me to believe that in particular (as I have always tried to be a responsible citizen). A white Tempo Traveler with a mirror image of AMBULANCE written on it, honking and screaming at its loudest node was stuck at other side of the road with the road full of other vehicles and defying the Ambulance to find its way out. Guess What!! the reason for that traffic congestion was still not known to us but after seeing the Ambulance, we approached a cop, only to receive even bigger shock when she said in local language, " State governor bartaare (State governor's coming)'. It took less than a fraction of second for me and my colleagues to get to the highest level of anger and we burst into it but for no use as the senior cop again told in local KANGLISH (saar!! don't shout at us).
Alas!! we couldn't do anything about it and for the first time I felt, " how helpless I was??" It was a question on my integrity, my values and my self respect. Till date, I keep asking myself whether I have any stand in this politically governed and ruled INDIA where a life holds no importance in front of those illiterate, self centered politicians.
I keep imagining as to what best could I have done at that particular moment but Seriously, Could I have done anything or its just an imagination?????????????????????????????????
Hope, the person battling with his/her life in the Ambulance is safe and god bless him/her.
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